Who are we?

We are the Pitt Robotics and Automation Society (RAS), a student-run club that aims to provide its members with hands-on experience in robotics. Through our club, motivated individuals are given the tools and resources to develop cutting-edge autonomous robots.

Our club was founded in 2013 and since then we've been able to work on many robots from maze navigating robots to autonomous drones and racecars, and now autonomous Mars rover! We are currently working on a combative robot, 6 axis robotic, and more. Our club is always looking for new members and would love to have you join us in developing cutting-edge technology for the future of robotics.

Battle Bots

Keep Calm and Battle On

Project Overview

Do you like combat robotics? Robots with deadly weapons?

RAS will build and design a battle bot for the NHRL competition and for other local competitions near Pittsburgh. There will be a chance for all members to fabricate, assemble, and battle with the robot.

How can I join?

Just message us! No experience is necessary to join. We are looking for a variety of students to work within the subteams.

Robot Arms

A great entry into the world of industrial automation.

Project Details

This three-axis robot arm will serve as a jumping point into industrial robotics and applications. In this project, you will be exposed to inverse kinematics, mechanical prototyping (3D printing), electrical systems (power conversion and distribution), and working with microcontrollers (Arduino) to read data from multiple sensors and command motors.

Open to expansion!

The design is not set in stone - if you want to add additional sensors or automate some monotonous task, we want to know about it and work with you!

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The Sky is the Limit

Project Details

Our team designs and assembles a rover from raw material, manufactured components (gears, bearings, etc.), and pre-built electronics (motors, arduinos, etc.). There are several systems that are being worked on for the rover. Main systems include the chassis, the arm, the science module, and autonomous control.

If interested, please contact us!

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Looking for more?

Head over to our projects page to see everything that RAS is working on!

Interested in getting involved?

Help us to help you. Join our team of amazingly talented students.